Tender for Robotic System of RH DTT Training Facility published by ENEA

The tender for the supply of the Remote Manipulation Systems of the Divertor Tokamak Test Facility (DTT-RH) has been published.

The supply includes two lots: Supply of 2 Hyper-Redundant Manipulators (HYRMAN) and Supply of 3 Cassettes Multifunctional Mover (CMM), with a total estimated amount of €9,650,880.00.

HYRMAN and CMM are the main components of the DTT remote handling system designed for the remote maintenance of the DTT in-vessel components. 

Specifically, HYRMAN (see Fig. 1) is devoted to the maintenance of the first wall components and will be operated through the equatorial port. Instead, CMM (see Fig. 2) is devoted to the assembly and removal of the divertor modules from the lower lateral port. In the “DTT remote training facility”, a new fundamental facility designed to develop the DTT remote maintenance system, the assembly, maintenance, and extraction procedures of in-vessel components will be tested before their use in DTT. 

The "DTT remote training facility" will also offer a platform for future tests in view of the DEMO design and, in addition, will give the opportunity to assess possible upgrades of the machine. The reliability of the RH system, assessed in the "DTT remote training facility" will guarantee compliance with the planning for replacing the divertor modules and therefore the availability of the DTT system for subsequent experimental campaigns.

The tender is part of the proposal for "Rafforzamento e creazione di Infrastrutture di Ricerca" financed to ENEA by the PNRR National Resilience Recovery Plan (PNRR).

The deadline for receiving offers or requests to participate is 15/12/2023. Additional information at this link.

Figure 1 Hyrman design concept


Figure 2 CMM design concept
