Open doors at CNR

On 15 June 2023, as part of the "Open Doors at CNR" initiative, promoted for the celebrations of the Centenary of the Italian Research Council, the event "The energy new frontiers" was held.

The event was held at the CNR Research Area in Padua, Italy. Participants were Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the CNR, and Massimo Garribba, Deputy Director-General Coordination of European policy, DG Energy.

Daniela Farina (Director CNR-ISTP), Chiara Bustreo (Scientist RFX), Giorgio Graditi (DG ENEA), Francesco Romanelli (President DTT) and Marco Valisa (Director RFX) spoke on the topic of research on thermonuclear fusion.

“    foto: Luca Lotto - Consorzio RFX  “
“    foto: Luca Lotto - Consorzio RFX  “

“    foto: Luca Lotto - Consorzio RFX  “
