DTT at the 109° SIF Conference in Salerno, Italy

The 109th edition of National SIF Conference (SIF23) was held in Fisciano (Salerno, Italy), in last September 2023. The event has been organized by the Italian Physics Society (SIF). The local support has been given by the Department of Physics of the Salerno University (Conference Poster in fig. 1)

The SIF Conference is one of the main national events for the Physics Community in Italy and offers an outstanding opportunity for the scientists to meet, discuss new ways to address complex problems, in several theoretical and applicative fields, including Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion.

With an invited lecture and several communications, the DTT community provided the SIF Conference with a detailed illustration of the state of the art of the construction of the DTT facility and, in addition, of a number of specific aspects of the design.

A young PhD Student, collaborator of the DTT, Giulia Emma of RFX, a member of the DTT Consortium, presented a Communication titled "Optical emission spectroscopy and microwave reflectometry for magnetized plasmas: Applications to ion sources and fusion machines". The presentation has been selected as one of the best communications of the Conference and the paper will be included in a special issue of the “Il Nuovo Cimento” Journal.

Fig. 1 Poster of the 109th SIF Conference (SIF23)

Fig. 1 Poster of the 109th SIF Conference (SIF23)
